Anthropology A103
Human Origins and Prehistory
Exercise 1: Drawing an Archaeologist
Regardless of whether or not you are an Anthropology major, you
likely know something already about archaeologists from school, mass media, and,
probably most of all, popular culture. There are a lot of different kinds of
anthropologists who study a wide range of subjects broadly related to human
experience in the past and present, and you likely know something about the
archaeology and physical anthropology that we will be examining this semester.
Most of the research that we will examine during the semester comes from a range
of archaeologists who study hominid evolution and human culture over nearly four
million years: some of these archaeologists focus on the physical and biological
traces of the most distant human past, others examine complex societies that
emerged over the past 9,000 years or so, and some study the period since
European colonization.
To figure out what we know about archaeology and physical
anthropology--even though it may be off the mark in some cases--, the
semester’s first exercise is to draw an archaeologist and write an explanation
for how you determined that your drawing was a fitting representation. Your
completed exercise will include two elements: an illustration and a typed,
double-spaced explanation of how you decided upon this particular
representation. Here are some pointers for how to complete the exercise:
1. You are not being graded for your artistic
skills: some of the most interesting explanations often accompany the most
rudimentary drawings, while some budding artists produce stunning multimedia
compositions that fail to adequately explain how they chose to represent their
archaeologist in a particular way. Good exercises will clearly explain in their
written statement how they decided that this is the appropriate way to represent
an archaeologist.
2. There is no "right" answer: this exercise is intended
to illuminate our popular misconceptions and sound understandings alike. We want
to develop a sense of how society teaches us things about archaeology that
involve both credible knowledge and utter misrepresentation. Simply say why you
chose particular stylistic elements--e.g., certain clothes, accompanying
devices, settings, hair styles, body type, and anything else you wanted to
represent--and explain where you learned that this was necessary to illustrate
the "typical" archaeologist.
3. There are no inflexible "rules" for how you should
execute your drawing: you can use any two-dimensional representation that you
believe is appropriate, which for most of us will be a line drawing of some
sort. You can use any pen, pencil, markers, crayons, or other drawing mechanisms
and render your illustration on virtually any type of paper that renders a
legible representation; if you have an artist seeking to escape from within, you
can use other sorts of materials or even a three-dimensional medium, but pushing
the aesthetic envelope is not required.
4. Your written explanation should address why you determined that
these particular aesthetic elements in your drawing were appropriate. This will
require you to articulate where your preconceptions of archaeology and physical
anthropology came from, which might include high school biology textbooks,
popular movies, the Discovery Channel, your daily reading of physical
anthropology journals, cave person comic books, attendance at "Land of the
Lost" conventions, or whatever. Simply try to summarize what you already
know about archaeology: it does not matter if it is "wrong," and in
almost every case it will contain a fair amount of reliable insight. Instead,
try to say what you already know about archaeology and the basic sources for
this knowledge. There is no requirement for how lengthy this written explanation
should be, but it is very unlikely you can capture the details
of your drawing and your knowledge of archaeology in much less than a written
page. Explanations cannot be too long, but they can be too short and fail to
completely address the question.
Your completed exercise should include a drawing stapled to
a TYPED explanation of the drawing; be certain your name
appears on all pages. Please execute your archaeologist drawing on a separate page
from your typed, double-spaced explanation. Exercises
that are not typed will be penalized one point.
The completed exercise is due in class January 11. We
will review the exercise in class, and the full exercise credit will
be awarded to all students who attend that day and turn in a typed, completed
exercise. We will discuss the exercise in class and determine our basic shared
knowledge and influences. If you do not attend, you cannot receive any better
than 60% on the exercise, which is 5% of the total semester grade.
If you have any questions about the exercise, please ask in class
or email me.
updated November 29, 2016